Pugazh, a rookie cop earns an immediate disliking from his higher official Inspector Rathnam because of his brilliance in handling the case. Inspector Rathnam is killed by a masked man who shoves expired batteries into his mouth. A medical industrialist is also done away in the same way. Who is the murderer using the unusual method and why he is doing it and whether he gets caught or not?fanproj , hindi af somali , mysomali, fanproj.com, fanproj play, fanprojplay, Streamnxt , fanproj Tv , Aflaamta , damody somali films,
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Genre: Crime, Fanproj, Fanproj films, Fanproj Movies, Fanprojplay, Hindi Af Somali, Mysomali, Saafifilms, Streamnxt, Thriller
Quality: 2022
Year: 2022
Duration: 120 Min
Director:Mani Bharathy