When Ankita and Siddharth arrive at Hotel Victoria, set in the heart of Scotland, they quickly realise that the creepy owner, Adhiraaj, has more than a few secrets he is trying to hide, and Ankita can’t help but sense another, sinister presence inside the old hotel. Is there a vengeful spirit wandering the hotel grounds, or is it all in their heads? What follows is a race against time as the mystery is unravelled, and nothing is as it seems.
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Genre: Fanproj, Fanproj films, Fanproj Movies, Fanprojplay, Hindi Af Somali, Horror, Mysomali, Saafifilms, Streamnxt, Thriller
Year: 2023
Director:Virajas Kulkarni
Waxaan oo Film eh Hal la dagsan karo kuma Jiro kuli waa wada 3GB filmada MB kadhig adigoo Raali eh