Four agricultural engineering students wanted to help the farmers with the latest techniques in farming. They approach the concerned Minister for this, but the Minister didn’t support their ideologies
and sends them out. The youngsters decided to loot the Minister’s bank balance to use it for the agricultural project. As per their plans, they loot his money from Bank, which is unaccounted for.
Devadas, a tough cop, deals with the case. How do the students escape? Were they able to serve the farmers? The answers form the rest of the story.
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Tagline:The Power of Youth
Genre: Action, Drama, Fanproj, Fanproj films, Fanproj Movies, Fanprojplay, Hindi Af Somali, Mysomali, Saafifilms, Streamnxt
Year: 2021
Duration: 139 Min
Director:V. Samudra